I’m maintaining several docker image and recently I was facing some issues to upgrade one of this image. I have built a docker symfony image which I use for my symfony project: https://github.com/nouchka/docker-symfony Symfony just rolled out a major update with version 5 and PHP just released 7.4 so I wanted to give a try and upgrade my image. Support of features As this image is downloaded from others, I try to keep in mind that I didn’t want to remove features from old version.

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I’m a big fan of ansible as devops tools to configure machines. I use it for server, nas, router and personal computer but also to manage clusters. Right now I’m working on a new project which uses ansible in a different ways: it will not configure machines but projects. Using more and more external services for repository, CI/CD, etc… it was getting out of control to manage so many projects or to create new ones.

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If you manage multiple docker images on docker hub, you want to make the support the easiest possible. But most of the time you start creating tags because your application follow the version of another application or you just want to try using the new debian image. To create tag, docker hub provides you the Build settings page where you can declare tags, giving you 2 options: use branch (Docker hub does it automatically, but you can do more specific stuff with it) use different Dockerfile files Both are not perfect because branches need to be merge and multiple dockerfile results in duplicate code most of the time.

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New year, new challenge, I will quit my current company in september. As I’m looking for a new job, I worked on my resume again and I found http://please.hackmyresume.com/ website. The idea behind is to use a json file for the data using https://github.com/jsonresume/resume-schema json format. Then you use hackmyresume to apply theme for web or for files (ex PDF), using node packages. It creates that kind of result http://japromis.katagena.com/ based on a simple json file https://raw.

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If you are using a VPN sometimes and you want to change the proxy settings when you launch your VPN: Create a file in directory /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/20proxyvpn This bash script will be trigger when a connexion is up or down. In our case, we only check on tun0 vpn interface. On up event, we change gnome settings to set the proxy pac file and on down event we reset the proxy to none.

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Socket.io is a javascript web application on nodejs. It uses diffents transports methods depending on the browser. I use it on 2 purposes: – make browser client refresh some ressources when there are a change: a news section for example. – alert when there are simultaneous change of a ressource: a change on a planning (http://www.katagena.com/setagaya/demo.php) I have 2 projects using this technology: – a dashboard with live status from different server: uptime values will refresh live

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If you want to monitor a website you can setup easily a regular cron to check the performances. You just need PhantomJS which is a headless browser. For a 64bits version: if ! which bzip2 >/dev/null; then apt-get install bzip2 fi if ! [ -f "/usr/local/bin/phantomjs" ]; then cd /tmp/ wget https://phantomjs.googlecode.com/files/phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-i686.tar.bz2 tar xvf phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-i686.tar.bz2 cp phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-i686/bin/phantomjs /usr/local/bin/ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/phantomjs fi Then we will use confess.js script with PhantomJS. Download the confess.

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Jean-Avit Promis

OpenSource Enthousiast

Coopérateur chez Coop’Alpha
